Beta Testing of Major Upgrade Starting Soon

We promised a couple of weeks ago that we would have some really big announcements coming up over the next few months.

Our first announcement is that we have been working on a very significant update to the way you use your services.

Right now, we have three significantly different services: the Pet Adoption Portal, Data Management Service and Web Site Service. We have to manage each of those services independently, which means it takes longer to add new features or services and troubleshoot issues. In addition, the look and feel of each service is completely different, making documentation and training more difficult.

The new management web site will be very consistent across all of the services and features, and it will take less time for our partners to get up-to-speed on the capabilities of the services. We’ll be able to add new capabilities very quickly so we can stay on top of your needs and demands.

We’ll also be announcing new services within the next few months. These new services are going to have a huge impact on the animal welfare community, especially those with limited budgets and no technical support staff.

Look for information from us in the next few weeks concerning the start of beta testing for the new administrative interface. You’ll be able to try out the new management web site but still be able to go back to your current admin pages (like the Portal web site, etc).

We think this is just the first step of many to providing even more value to our non-profit partners, the rescues, shelters and animal management organizations. We are focused on helping you be more effective, and we thank you for your patience and support while we make these crucial updates.

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