provides your adoptable pets and public organization information to as many websites and services as possible -- because that's a really good way for people to find out about your organization and what you're doing in the community.
But not every website is the perfect match for your organization -- so we give you complete control over where your information is sent.
Before a new export is added, we review your Preferences for exports to new services and websites, which you can update under Animals > Exports > Settings. That way, certain exports can be disabled from the start (like websites with Classified listings, or pets for sale, etc). does not require anything specific from the individuals and companies that use our Data APIs (ie., we do not police or filter the websites). We believe in giving you that control.
You should, on a regular basis, review your list of exports, review the websites, and verify that any and all enabled exports meet your expectations. You can do that from your Animals > Exports page at any time.
We realize this is a little different than what you might be used to. We believe it's the correct approach, primarily because you have the right to know and control where your information will be displayed.
Thoughts or comments? Please post in the comments below.