Save your sanity by using the Sync App to update your Petfinder pet list

OK, so we can’t guarantee you will keep your sanity if you use the Sync App to update Petfinder.  But thousands of organizations have discovered that it does have some major benefits!

It saves you a ton of time

Logging into another website, especially one with a lot of clicks, screens, pages, and drop downs, can really take a lot of your time.

Why not have the system do the extra work for you?  You add your pets to your pet list, and the Sync App updates Petfinder behind the scenes.

That way you can spend more time with your pets -- that’s the reason is here in the first place.


The Sync App can update Petfinder without giving your Petfinder user name and password to anyone.

That means you can get help updating your pet list using our built-in super-powerful security features including SSL, multiple security roles, and data/media security.

Then, the Sync App can update Petfinder without having to give anyone else your Petfinder password.

The Sync App can always try to upload again later if there’s a problem

The Internet gets slow, and various things prevent you from updating all of your pets on Petfinder.

That’s no problem for the Sync App.  You don’t have to sit around trying to make your updates or upload pictures -- the Sync App will make its updates whenever the Internet is working!

For more information about the Sync App, please go to your Animals > Exports page and look for the Petfinder export, or contact Support.

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