I know this post is a little late, since it’s already the week after Thanksgiving now. I had written it, but with our upgrades and typical holiday madness, I didn’t get a chance to post it.
So here are a few things we're especially grateful for this Thanksgiving.
The Sync App developer
We’re thankful for the volunteer developer who created the Sync App to update Petfinder. It has saved thousands of organizations and volunteers an immeasurable amount of time performing mundane tasks.
If you’d like to thank the Sync App developer yourself, shoot him/her an email or even donate to help cover their hosting fees.
Community focused for-profit partners DogTime, AllPaws, and 911PetChip
When it comes to adoption listings, Monopoly should stay just a board game. Your adoptable pets need to be shared across the Internet, freely and without any strings. Lives depend on it.
RescueGroups.org is thankful for partners like DogTime, AllPaws, and 911PetChip, who provide community-focused services. You can feel the difference when working with partners like these -- they are always looking for ways to really impact the rescue and shelter world, and not just make a buck.
Support from the community
The support of the rescue/shelter community is invaluable to us. Currently we have over 3,700 active organizations, and tens of thousands of volunteers and staff using our services, and we're growing by leaps and bounds.
A quick and easy way you can help us is by writing a testimonial. Here’s a blog post on how to do it:
We’re really dependent on the community for financial support. Our income comes only from our low service fees and the donations we receive.
It would be great if you can donate to help -- perhaps we made your life easier, or increase your adoptions and donations? But your pets are always first... they always take first priority.
Regardless, we're not changing our services. Our free services are remaining free… in fact, we’re planning to add more free services and features in the near future!
Thank you so much for your help and support. We hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and we wish you a wonderful holiday season.